The Mentoring process transforms intentions and desires into actions, considering the individual as a whole, developing skills, potential, enthusiasm and standards of excellence.
The greatest benefit is the increase in positive results in the various areas of the individual's life. The increase in performance generated by the process raises the level of results, resulting in greater fulfillment, personal and professional satisfaction, internal balance and an improved quality of life.
About mentoring
Mentoria (ou mentoring) é um processo construído por meio de conversas, debates e compartilhamento de conhecimento com o objetivo de gerar insights e enriquecer a experiência do profissional mentorado (ou mentee).
Trata-se de uma relação de confiança que utiliza do conhecimento, experiência e, eventualmente, da rede de relacionamento do mentor para desenvolvimento do mentee.
O processo respeita o tempo e as demandas do mentee e precisa, necessariamente, do desejo deste de participar.
10 encontros
Online ou Presenciais na Singulari Consultoria
de apoio
Apresentado de acordo com demanda levantada nos encontros
Myers Briggs
Type Indicator
Tool used to understand the mentee's natural preferences
MBTI - Myers Briggs Type Indicator
The MBTI® is one of the most advanced personality traits identification tools in the world. It can be used to:
Improve interpersonal relationships;
Expand the ability to lead;
Deepen self-knowledge;
Create more productive and participatory teams;
Provide organizations with higher standards of efficiency and productivity.
Singulari has consultants with international MBTI® certification capable of interpreting the tool to implement its results according to the client's needs.
About the mentors

Sonia Grasseschi
Psychologist graduated from Faculdade Metodista - SP and post-graduated in Human Resources. Specialized in Retail - Oklahoma / USA and Group Dynamics and Techniques in Outdoor Training (TEAL / Team Building). Director of ABRH - AM from 2007 to 2015. Trained and worked as a Mediator in Manaus. 25 years of experience as HR manager in national and multinational companies (São Paulo, Rondônia and Manaus). Business Consultant for over 20 years. Partner of two Picanha Mania units.

Luciana Nogueira Minev
Psychologist (ULBRA) and Master in Production Engineering (UFRJ). Founder of Singulari Consultoria. Extensive experience as a Human Resources Management consultant in Brazil and the Netherlands. Works as a mentor to entrepreneurs in different business sectors. Director of ABRH – AM between 2013 and 2015. Member of the Global Shapers community affiliated with the World Economic Forum. Consultant with international MBTI I & II certification. Postgraduate professor. Author of the book “Sucessão em Empresas Familiares: Um estudo multicaso no Amazonas”.