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Strategic consultancy has the

aim to make the entrepreneur's journey less lonely.

Through individual and collective exchanges, contribute to more assertive and informed decision-making.

Collective meetings allow interaction with businesspeople from other sectors and learning about good practices, in addition to discussing challenges and alternatives to overcome them.

Individual meetings allow us to address more sensitive topics or topics that have already been covered, but in greater depth.
Experts will provide technical guidance that will support the
strategic decision making.

Among the objectives
of this service, are:


Having someone to discuss the company's day-to-day activities with and seeing different perspectives


Conhecer boas práticas de
outros negócios


Have technical guidance in different areas of the business, according to demand


Improve business management


Greater knowledge of
people and culture management


Improved self-knowledge
through tools and feedback


Having mentorship from a businesswoman
experienced and knowledgeable
specificities of the region


Have access to a network of entrepreneurs and companies served by Singulari


Benchmark consulting


Experience validated methodology

A study by Vistage , the world’s leading executive advisory organization for CEOs, entrepreneurs and founders, confirms:

“Mentors have been a critical part of my professional achievements”

Successful CEOs recognize the importance of mentors in their careers. In a survey of 1,348 CEOs, 86% said that mentors are crucial to their professional achievements, preventing mistakes

and reinventions.


The role of the entrepreneur is often a lonely one

and being able to discuss business challenges in a safe environment is often a desire of these entrepreneurs.

However, networking groups are not always able to contribute to better management, as they end up being superficial, and individual mentoring provides close monitoring, but with a single perspective.

With this in mind, Singulari created Strategic Consulting for Owners
Business that combines deep networking with support
individualized mentoring, combining two strategies that combined
contribute to better individual and business results.

In addition, this program will bring together experts on a variety of topics, to
further enrich the entrepreneur's repertoire in decision-making and access to the Singulari Consultoria network for benchmarking.

Who is it for:

The target audience is business owners,
partners, successors and CEOs
and reinventions.



About the mentor

Luciana Nogueira Minev


Psychologist (ULBRA) and Master in Production Engineering (UFRJ). Founder of Singulari Consultoria. Extensive experience as a Human Resources consultant in Brazil and the Netherlands. Works as a mentor for entrepreneurs in different business sectors. Director of ABRH – AM from 2013 to 2015 and 2022 to 2024.

Membro alumni da comunidade Global Shapers filiada ao Fórum Econômico Mundial.

Author of the book “Succession in Family Businesses: A multi-case study in Amazonas”.

Consultora com certificação internacional MBTI I & II.

TEDx Speaker e palestrante internacional

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